Thursday 16 January 2014

Important Catholic Prayers in Somali: Kitaab Tukasho

Years ago, thanks to the efforts and dedication of missionaries working in Somalia; a Catholic prayer book, comprising all of the most basic and important Catholic prayers, was composed in Somali. Despite the merits of this work, the book had little reach, in the sense that is was not readily available to those who might be interested in it. Given the nature of the persecution of the Church in Somalia, it would be almost impossible to circulate such a work among those who would desire a copy.

However, thanks to the advent of the internet, and thanks to the efforts of a RCMS volunteer, the Kitaab Tukasho has now been made available online! It is our hope and prayer that this book proves to be a source of comfort, light and grace to those who read it and use it as an aid to their prayer life. May it be a source of courage and strength to Somali Christians who live in fear and hiding, and may it be a source of light and grace to those who know not yet the Lord Jesus.

The Kitaab Tukasho can be viewed by clicking here, or by clicking the image of the Blessed Virgin praying on the sidebar to the left. The link will take you off the RCMS blog.

God bless



  1. Wow, I had no idea this existed! I speak Somali and am an Orthodox Christian, so it is a blessing to see liturgical materials available in the Somali language.

    1. Thank you for this encouraging response. If I may ask what kind of Orthodox Christian are you, and are you ethinically Somali? Sorry for asking, I am just interested in the question of Somali Orthodox Christians. God bless
